微軟才在今年10月下旬釋出Windows 8.1更新,近期也有不少消息紛紛指出微軟將在近期內釋出Windows 8.2更新內容,主要將針對重新回歸的「開始」按鍵持續作調整,可能恢復接近過去Windows 7的使用體驗,同時也可能統整現有Windows軟體市集。
繼先前傳出微軟可能整併Windows Store、Windows Phone Store兩組軟體市集後,陸續也有關於Windows 8.2更新即將釋出的消息被討論。其中,不少說法認為微軟將進一步針對重新回歸的「開始」按鍵進行調整,或許將使其按下後不會直接切喚為動態磚介面,而可能是以跳出式選單顯示電腦安裝應用程式,藉此接近Windows 7時的操作體驗。
此外,針對伴隨Windows 8.1所釋出的IE 11瀏覽器,微軟也將透過最佳化提昇其效能表現,但大致上不會有明顯差異;而針對檔案管理部分,微軟也有可能將檔案總管功能予以回歸,讓Windows 8動態磚環境下能有更便利的檔案管理。
不過,若微軟確實將於Windows 8.2強化「開始」按鍵,使其操作體驗接近原有Windows 7,是否意味微軟可能在動態磚介面的市場策略妥協,可能還是要以微軟於後續說明為主。
至於Windows 8.2更新實際釋出時間,目前有可能安排在2014年1月左右,同樣將以免費更新提供,讓合法使用Windows 8、Windows 8.1的使用者下載升級。
而針對先前傳聞微軟可能整併Windows Store、Windows Phone Store服務,讓使用者能透過單一軟體市集下載應用程式。不過,先前消息也傳出微軟可能放慢整併腳步,擬於兩年時間整併兩種軟體市集。
全文網址: 微軟傳明年1月釋出Win 8.2 強化開始按鍵 | 軟體趨勢 | 軟體學園 | udn數位資訊 http://mag.udn.com/mag/digital/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=487163#ixzz2nExvNsPR
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Windows 8.2 release date, news and rumors
With Windows 8.1 out of the way, Microsoft has now begun work on Windows 8.2. According to sources close to the development Windows 8.2, dubbed Threshold, Microsoft will bring Windows, Windows Phone and Xbox One closer together — to the threshold, if you will, of being a fully unified OS. Furthermore, again according to insider sources, Windows 8.2 will introduce a “traditional desktop” SKU that is optimized for mouse-and-keyboard Desktop users and resurrects the original Start menu.
This information, of course, comes from Mary Jo Foley. According to her sources, which are usually pretty accurate, Threshold is Microsoft’s next wave of software updates, which follow on from Blue (Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1, etc.) The code name is an odd one — Threshold is the planet from the original Halo game. Some tech bloggers have tried to infer some functional data from the code name, but it probably means nothing (just like Cortana, Microsoft’s Siri rival, or Blue). Threshold is apparently a wave of software updates that will more closely knit together the user experience of Windows, Windows Phone, and Xbox One. This fits in well with our analysis that Microsoft will eventually unify its various platforms into a single OS, finally giving it the software ecosystem that it needs, if it ever wants to crack the iOS/Android mobile computing duopoly.